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合肥Analysis of the factors causing the failure of the gear rack

2025-01-09 22:05:52

Rack failure refers to a situation where something loses its intended function, which is called failure. There are several important aspects to rack failure, and precision rack manufacturers will introduce them to you:

The fracture of the gear rack

This is because when gears and racks mesh with each other, due to excessive force, the tooth surface is forced to break, and this phenomenon usually occurs at the root of the teeth. Some gears made of brittle materials such as quenched steel or cast iron are prone to tooth breakage.

Wear and tear on the tooth surface of the rack and pinion

The wear of the tooth surface is mainly caused by external influences. Generally, for gears and racks that have not been properly maintained, the wear is caused by the influence of the medium, such as hard particles, dust, etc., resulting in damage to the tooth surface and tooth wear.

Pitting corrosion on the tooth surface of the gear rack

The fine fatigue cracks generated on the surface of the working surface of the teeth, and the pits formed by the detachment of metal particles after crack propagation.

Adhesive bonding of rack teeth surface

Generally, lubrication failure is caused by the prolonged meshing of the rack and the temperature rise of the tooth surface.

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